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Game Manager

Written by: Akram Taghavi-Burris | © Copyright 2025

Status: In Development

The GameManager (GM) is a key component of a game's architecture. It's responsible for overseeing the flow of the game, managing game states, controlling major systems, and maintaining global functionality. Often seen as the central controller of a game, the GM ensures that gameplay is cohesive and functions smoothly.

Game Managers as Systems

While the GameManager is not a "system" in the technical sense, it plays such a central role in orchestrating game logic that it is considered a core game system. Nearly all games, from simple prototypes to large-scale productions, rely on some form of GameManager to coordinate gameplay mechanics and state transitions, making it essential to the game's overall structure.

Singleton Design Pattern

In many cases Game Manager (GM) will implement a Singleton Design Pattern to maintain a single point of control over the game's flow and systems. This ensures that no matter where you are in the game, whether in a scene, menu, or during gameplay, the GM remains the same instance, providing a consistent and unified experience.

Why Use a Singleton for the Game Manager?

  1. Global Access: The GM needs to be easily accessible from UI, player input, AI, and other systems without manually passing references.
  2. Consistency: Prevents multiple instances with conflicting states, ensuring game-wide synchronization.
  3. Efficiency: Reduces memory usage and improves performance by eliminating redundant instances.

Game Manager Functionality

Game Managers (GMs) handle a variety of responsibilities, including game state management, system coordination, and global functionality. While a GM may also manage elements like score tracking, scene transitions, or event handling, in this section, we will focus specifically on how it manages game states and ensures smooth transitions between them. To demonstrate how this works in practice, we will be building the GameManager for our example game One Wild Night.

Game States

Game States represent the various stages of a game, such as whether the game is running, paused, or over, and the transitions between these states. They are crucial in complex games where different systems (AI, UI, physics, etc.) need to interact in a specific sequence depending on the game's current state.

State Management

For this example our GameManager will handles game states by transitioning between different phases of gameplay, such as "Running," "Paused," and "Game Over." To manage these states, there are generally two common approaches: the State Pattern and the Finite State Machine (FSM). In this case, we implement the FSM method, which uses a predefined set of states and transitions between them in a clear and structured manner. This is a simpler and more efficient way to manage state changes, especially in our game where the states are not complex enough to require fully encapsulated behaviors per state, as the State Pattern would offer.

Before we start development on the GM we need to have a rough idea of the game states we will have in the game and what takes place during that state. While these may vary, the most common states include:

  • MainMenu: The game starts here. The GM will load any necessary UI components for the main menu and wait for user input to either start the game, load a saved game, or exit.
  • Playing: The core of the game, in which the player is actively playing. The GM continuously checks if the game conditions are met for a win or loss.
  • Paused: When the game is paused, the GM freezes gameplay systems, disables player input for movement, and opens the pause menu.
  • GameOver: When the player loses or when the game is over, the GM will display the Game Over screen and stopping all gameplay logic.

Defining Game States

To manage the various phases of the game, we will define the game states as an Enum. Enums are ideal for this purpose, as they allow us to clearly define a set of named values representing the possible game states, such as "MainMenu," "Playing," "Paused," and "GameOver." Using an Enum makes the code more readable and reduces the risk of mistakes that could arise from using raw integers or strings.

We can declare our Enum within the GameManager class or in its own separate class file. To keep things modular and flexible, we will declare the GameState Enum in its own class, ensuring that each state is decoupled from the core logic of the GameManager.

Game State vs Game States

While we refer to game states in the plural, it's important to note that we're essentially defining a new data type, called GameState (singular), which will have multiple potential values,each representing a different phase of the game.

🛠 Creating Game States

Tutorial: Creating Game States

📝Critical Thinking | 🕒5 minutes | 📂Required File: None

In this tutorial, we will create basic Game States.

  1. Open the example project in Unity
  2. In the project window under Assets > Scripts > Managers right-click and create a new script.
Use Script Template

If you have previously created a script template that includes your documentation comments use this template for creating the new script. Remember to update the comments, before continuing.

  1. Name this new script GameState and open the file in your preferred IDE.
  2. Clear any default class information and instead define the enum as shown below.
   public enum GameState
MainMenu, // Game is in the main menu
Playing, // Game is actively being played
Paused, // Game is paused
GameOver // Game is over
  1. The class and return to Unity.

🛠 Basic Game Manager

Tutorial: Basic Game Manager

📝Critical Thinking | 🕒5 minutes | 📂Required File: None

In this tutorial, we will create a basic Game Manager.

  1. In the Project window under Assets > Scripts > Managers right-click and create a new script.

  2. Name this new script GameManager and open the file in your preferred IDE.

Singleton Inheritance

As mentioned earlier a GM is typically designed using a Singleton Design Pattern. To implement this we will be making use of our Singleton base class we created previously. Since the Singleton base class was created in it's own Namespace we will need to declare that we are using that namespace in order to inherent the class.

  1. Type the following code below.

using CSG.General;
using UnityEngine;

// The GameManager class is derived from the Singleton pattern to ensure there is only one instance of it in the game.
public class GameManager : Singleton<GameManager>
// Reference to the current state of the game
public GameState CurrentState;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Sets the game state to MainMenu at the start of the game.
CurrentState = GameState.MainMenu;

}//end Start()

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

}//end Update

//Manages the logic for each game state
void ManageGameState(){

// Checks the current game state and perform the appropriate actions.
switch (CurrentState)
case GameState.MainMenu:
// MainMenu Logic

case GameState.Playing:
// Playing Logic

case GameState.Paused:
// Paused Logic

case GameState.GameOver:
// GameOver logic
}//end switch(CurrentState)

}//end ManageGameState

// Changes the current state to a new game state
public void ChangeState(GameState newState)
CurrentState = newState;

}//end ChangeState

}//end GameManager

How It Works:

  • Singleton Pattern: The GameManager class inherits from Singleton<GameManager>, ensuring only one instance of the GameManager exists in the game, commonly used for game-wide management like state control.

  • CurrentState (GameState): Holds the current state of the game (e.g., MainMenu, Playing, Paused, GameOver), determining which game logic to execute.

  • Start Method: Initializes the game by setting the CurrentState to MainMenu before the first frame update.

  • Update Method: Called once per frame, it invokes the ManageGameState() method to manage logic based on the current game state.

  • ManageGameState Method: Contains a switch statement that checks the CurrentState and executes the appropriate logic for each game state (e.g., MainMenu, Playing, Paused, GameOver).

  • ChangeState Method: Changes the CurrentState to a new game state when called, allowing the game to transition between different states (e.g., from MainMenu to Playing).

GM Game Object

Now that we have created our GM class, we will return to Unity to actually apply the class to a GM object in our scene.

  1. Open the included SampleScene in the project.
  2. In the hierarchy under the Managers folder right-click and choose Create > Create Empty
  3. Name the new empty game object GameManager
  4. Add the GameManager component (i.e. class) from the Project window to the GameManager game object. In the inspector you will see that the Is Persistent property. This property was inherited from the base Singleton class. Make sure that the Is Persistent property is set to true, doing so will ensure the GM will be persistent throughout the game.
  5. Press Play from the Unity Editor. In the Hierarchy window you should notice that GameManager object is now listed under DoNotDesotry. The Console window should also display a message that outputs the GameManager and the object name (in this case "GameManager") that it is an instance of. These are all behaviors that were setup in the Singleton base class.
  6. Exit Play mode and save the scene.