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OWN - Concept Doc

Written by: Akram Taghavi-Burris | © Copyright 2024

Status: In Development


Game Title: One Wild Night
Genre: Casual Survival Crafting
Core Objective: Survive the night by gathering resources, crafting tools, and managing survival needs.
Theme/Goal: Wilderness survival with a balance of peaceful exploration and occasional strategic encounters.
Main Gameplay Focus: Exploration, crafting, and resource management with light survival elements.

1. Player Control

This section describes how the player controls the game and interacts with the world. Consider the controls, perspective, and key actions that drive the gameplay.
In this game, you control a lone adventurer stranded in the wilderness.

  • Controller Type: Keyboard and mouse
  • Perspective: Third-person
  • Basic Actions: Walk, run, jump, pick up objects, interact with the environment
  • Special Interactions: Craft tools, use non-lethal defensive tools

2. Game Mechanics

Game mechanics are the systems and rules that guide player actions. This section helps you define the core actions players will take to achieve their goals and how they interact with the game.

  • Core Mechanics: Running, jumping, exploration, crafting, survival management
  • Resources: Wood, stone, berries, water, crafting tools, health items
  • Rules:
    • Resource Usage: Food and water restore stamina, crafting materials are consumed when used
    • Action Limitations: Stamina drains over time, cold affects movement at night
    • Penalties for Failure: Losing health from wildlife encounters or hunger can lead to game over
  • Conflict: Wildlife encounters, harsh environmental conditions
  • Boundaries: Forest area with defined exploration limits
  • Outcomes:
    • Winning Conditions: Survive the night and craft an ultimate tool
    • Failure Conditions: Running out of health due to hunger, cold, or wildlife attacks
    • Rewards: Unlocking new crafting recipes, progressing through survival milestones

3. Game Loop

The game loop describes how players interact with the game through a cycle of actions and decisions. This section defines how players progress and repeat gameplay in your game.

  • Initial Action: Player starts in the forest with minimal supplies and a tent for shelter
  • Player Decision: Explore for resources, craft tools, or avoid wildlife
  • Result: Gain survival items, defend against wildlife, progress towards survival goal
  • Feedback: Visual indicators for hunger, health, and stamina; sound cues for danger
  • Repetition: Continue gathering, crafting, and surviving until the game is completed

4. Sound & Effects

Sound and visual effects enhance the player's experience and make the game world feel alive. In this section, define the key effects that will bring your game to life.

  • Action Sound Effects: Picking up items, crafting, animal movement, tool usage
  • Environmental Sounds: Forest ambiance, rustling leaves, flowing water, nighttime howls
  • Visual Effects: Dynamic lighting for day/night cycle, particle effects for crafting and weather
  • Optional Effects: Rain, fog, and wind effects for environmental immersion

5. User Interface

The user interface (UI) is how information is presented to the player. Think about the essential screens and UI elements the player will interact with.

  • Main UI Elements: Inventory, health/stamina bars, crafting progress
  • Start Screen: Game title, play button, options button
  • End Screen: Summary of survival time, crafted items, and completion achievements

6. Other Features

This section highlights any additional features that make your game unique or add extra value to the experience.

  • Key Features:
    • Survival Balance: Mix of relaxing exploration and light tension from wildlife encounters
    • Progression System: Unlockable crafting recipes and survival milestones