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🎮 Park Clean-up Game

Written by: Akram Taghavi-Burris | © Copyright 2025

Status: In Development

In this project, we will continue developing Park Clean-Up, the casual puzzle/exploration game we previously introduced. Players take on the challenge of restoring a park by collecting and disposing of trash in designated bins.

In our previous chapter on visualizing game loops in flowcharts, we outlined the core gameplay loops for this project. These loops define how players interact with objects, clean up the environment, and unlock new areas by meeting objectives. Mapping out these interactions through flowcharts is a crucial step in the development process, providing a clear framework for implementing the game's mechanics, whether through visual scripting or traditional coding.

Trash Collection​

The main game loop for the first level (area) consists of the player collecting a set number of trash bags and disposing of them in designated bins.

🛠 Trash Bag Interactions​

Tutorial: Trash Bag Interactions

đź“ťVisual scripting | đź•’15 minutes | đź“‚Required File: Park Clean-Up Game

In this tutorial we will set up the visual scripts for the trash bag interactions.

To begin, we’ll focus on the interaction between the player and the trash bags. The following actions should occur when a player picks up a trash bag:

  • Increase the count of collected trash
  • Play a sound effect
  • Destroy the trash bag prefab

Since all trash bags will function the same way, we need to update the trash bag prefab to ensure consistent behavior across all instances.

Step 1: Prepare the Trash Bag Prefab​

To set up the trash bag prefab for interaction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Trash Bag Prefab

    • In the Hierarchy, locate a trash bag object in the Park Scene.
    • Right-click the object and select Prefab > Open Asset in Context to edit the prefab directly.
  2. Add a Box Collider (Trigger)

    • With the trash bag prefab selected, go to the Inspector panel.
    • Click Add Component and search for Box Collider.
    • Enable Is Trigger to allow interaction without physical collision.
    • Set the size of the box collider to allow for easy interaction with the player and trash bag.
  3. Add an Audio Source

    • Click Add Component and search for Audio Source.
    • In the Audio Source component, uncheck Play on Awake so the sound only plays when triggered.
    • Set the Loop to unchecked as this clip will only play once.
    • Click the Audio Clip field and assign the SX_collected-trash.wav sound file.
  4. Add a Script Machine

    • Click Add Component and search for Script Machine.
    • In the Script Machine component, click New to create a new Script Graph.
    • Name the graph TrashBag and save it in your Scripts folder.

The following is a screenshot of the trash bag prefab with the above setting applied

Trash Bag Prefab

With these steps completed, the trash bag prefab is ready for scripting interactions.

Step 2: Set Up OnTriggerEnter for Player Interaction​

With the Trash Bag Prefab still open in Prefab Mode, follow these steps to set up the interaction logic:

  1. Open the Script Graph

    • In the Inspector, locate the Script Machine component.
    • Click Edit Graph to open the visual scripting editor.
  2. Remove Default Nodes

    • In the script graph, delete the default OnStart and OnUpdate nodes, as they are not needed for this interaction.
  3. Add an OnTriggerEnter Node

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for OnTriggerEnter.
    • This node will trigger when another object enters the trash bag's Box Collider.
  4. Check If the Player Entered the Trigger

    • Add a Collider → Get Game Object node and connect it to OnTriggerEnter.
    • Add a Game Object → Compare Tag node and set the tag to Player.
    • Connect the Get Game Object node to the Compare Tag node.

Before we get much further, we will test to make sure that the OnTriggerEnter event is even working. We can easily test this with a Debug Log message sent to the console.

  1. Test the Condition with Debug Logs

    • Add an If (Branching Node) and connect the Compare Tag output.
    • Create a Debug Log node and a String Literal node.
    • Set the String Literal to "Player Entered" and connect it to the True output of the If node.
    • Add a second Debug Log and String Literal, setting the message to "Player did not Enter".
    • Connect this to the False output of the If node.
  2. Test the Interaction

    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode in Unity and move the player toward a trash bag.
    • Check the Console to verify the correct debug message appears when entering the trash bag's trigger.

Once the debug messages confirm the interaction is working, we can proceed to implementing the actual trash collection logic.

Step 3: Calling a Global Event​

In object-oriented programming, there's a common design pattern called the observer pattern. This pattern allows one object (the subject) to send out a message, and multiple other objects (observers) can listen for and react to that message.

This approach prevents objects from being tightly connected to one another. For example, if Object A directly tells Object B what to do, Object A must know that Object B exists. If Object B is missing or changes, the interaction could break. Instead, Object A can simply send out a message, and any object listening for the message will respond accordingly.

Unity’s Visual Scripting doesn’t include a built-in observer system, but we can achieve similar behavior using Global Events. A Global Event acts like a shared broadcast station—any object can send an event, and any other object can listen for it without needing a direct connection.

In this section, we’ll set up a Global Event that lets our trash bag objects notify the game when they’ve been collected, so the game can update the counter on the trash bins without the trash bags needing to know about the trash bins directly.

  1. Create the Global Event Object

    • In the Hierarchy, create an Empty GameObject.
    • Rename it to GlobalEvent.
    • Drag GlobalEvent into the Project Window to convert it into a Prefab.
    • Delete GlobalEvent from the scene (we only need the prefab).
  2. Modify the Trash Bag Prefab

    • Open the Trash Bag Prefab in Context.
    • In the Inspector, locate the Script Machine component.
    • Click Edit Graph to open the visual scripting editor.
  3. Add a Custom Event Trigger

    • Locate the Debug Log node connected to the True branch of the If node.
    • After this, add a Custom Event Trigger node.
    • Set the Event Name to AddToCounter.
    • Set the Target Object to the GlobalEvent prefab.

At this point, the event trigger has been set up, but nothing will happen until we configure the receiving event on the Trash Bin.

Step 4: Playing a Sound Clip​

Next, we want to play the sound clip when the trash bag is interacted with.

  1. Flowing from the Custom Event Trigger node, add an Audio Source Play node.
  2. Make sure that the target is set to This. This ensures that the sound clip assigned to the Audio Source component (in the inspector) will play.

Step 5: Destroying the Object​

In Unity, calling the Destroy method immediately removes the object from the scene and stops any behaviors associated with it. This means that if the object is in the middle of performing an action, such as playing a sound clip, the action will be interrupted. To avoid this, we can introduce a slight delay before the object is destroyed, ensuring that the sound clip can finish playing first.

Here’s how to set this up:

  1. Add a Destroy node: Flowing from the Audio Source Play node, add a Destroy node with an object and time delay parameter.
  2. Set the target to This, which refers to the trash bag object.
  3. Set the delay time to 0.5 seconds to match the length of the sound clip.
  4. Save your graph, then test it in Play mode to ensure the trash bag is destroyed only after the sound has finished playing.

This approach ensures that the trash bag remains in the scene for the entire duration of the sound clip before being destroyed, providing a smoother gameplay experience.

The following is a screenshot of the trash bag script graph for the OnTriggerEnter

Trash Bag Prefab

Now that the trash bag is set up we can continue on with the trash bin behaviors.

🛠 Trash Bin Interactions​

Tutorial: Trash bin Interactions

đź“ťVisual scripting | đź•’30 minutes | đź“‚Required File: Park Clean-Up Game

In this tutorial we will set up the visual scripts for the trash bin interactions.

The trash bin will listen for events broadcast by the trash bags and keep track of the collected trash. By the end of this section, you'll have set up the trash bin prefab to listen for the event from the trash bags and manage the collection count.

Step 1: Prepare the Trash Bin Prefab​

Similar to the trash bags, the behavior of the trash bin is consistent across all instances. To maintain this consistency, we will add the script graph to the trash bin prefab, ensuring that all trash bins interact the same way.

  1. Open the Trash Bin Prefab

    • In the Hierarchy, locate a trash bin object in the Park Scene.
    • Right-click the object and select Prefab > Open Asset in Context to edit the prefab directly.
  2. Add a Box Collider (Trigger)

    • With the trash bin prefab selected, go to the Inspector panel.
    • Click Add Component and search for Box Collider.
    • Enable the Is Trigger option to allow interaction without physical collision.
    • Adjust the size of the box collider to ensure it can easily interact with the player and the trash bags.
  3. Add a Script Machine

    • Click Add Component and search for Script Machine.
    • In the Script Machine component, click New to create a new Script Graph.
    • Name the graph TrashBin and save it in your Scripts folder.

The following is a screenshot of the trash bin prefab with the above settings applied.

Trash Bin Prefab

Step 2: Set Up AddToCounter Event​

Decoupling is a good programming practice that ensures objects are independent and don’t rely too heavily on each other. In this case, we’re focusing on making the trash bins responsible for tracking the amount of trash collected, while the trash bags are simply responsible for triggering the event when they are interacted with.

In this setup, the trash bin will listen for the AddToCounter event, which is broadcast by the trash bags. The trash bin doesn't need to know anything about the trash bag itself, only that it should increase the count of collected trash when the event occurs.

To keep track of the amount of trash collected, we need a variable. For this variable we use an int type as it only records a whole number (integer) value, and we will name this variable trashCollected. Since only the trash bins need to know and update this value, it’s best to set it up as a graph variable. Graph variables are private to the script graph, meaning they are only accessible within the graph itself and not from other objects or scripts. This ensures the trashCollected variable remains hidden (encapsulated) and maintains the decoupling of the trash bins and trash bags, avoiding unnecessary dependencies.

  1. Open the Script Graph

    • In the Inspector, locate the Script Machine component.
    • Click Edit Graph to open the visual scripting editor.
  2. Create Graph Variable

    • In the Blackboard (the sidebar for managing variables), create a new graph variable named trashCollected. This will be an int variable that stores the number of trash bags collected.
  3. Remove Default Nodes

    • In the script graph, delete the default OnStart and OnUpdate nodes, as they are not needed for this interaction.
  4. Add a Custom Trigger Event Node

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for Custom Event.
    • Name the event AddToCounter, this should match the name of the Custom Trigger Event set in the Trash Bag script graph.
    • Set the Target Object to the GlobalEvent prefab. This prefab acts as a global reference for all events and ensures that the event is properly broadcasted.

The flow looks clear, but I've made a few corrections for typos and improved consistency in the language. Here's the refined version:

Step 3: Add to trashCollected​

When the AddToCounter event is called, it should increment the trashCollected variable.

  1. Get the Graph Variable
    • Add a Get Graph Variable node.
    • From the dropdown, select the trashCollected variable.

Trash Bin trashCollected graph variable

  1. Add to the Variable

    • Right-click in the graph window and find the Add Inputs node.
    • Attach the Get Graph Variable node from the previous step to Value A.
    • Add an Integer (literal) node and set its value to 1.
    • Attach the Integer node to Value B on the Add Inputs node.
  2. Set the trashCollected Variable

    • Search for the Set Graph Variable node and set it to trashCollected.
    • Attach the Add Inputs node to the Value input.
    • Set the flow from the AddToCounter event into the Set Graph Variable.

To ensure the trashCollected variable is updating, we will log its value using a Debug Log.

  1. Debugging trashCollected

    • Create a Debug Log node.
    • Add a String Concat node to combine multiple arguments (values) as the message.
    • Add a String Literal node with the value set to Trash collected =. Make sure to include a space after the equals sign to avoid the value printing too close.
    • Set the String Literal node as the first value in the String Concat arguments.
    • Add a Get Graph Variable node to retrieve the value of trashCollected and connect it to the second argument of the String Concat node.
    • Set the String Concat node as the message value for the Debug Log node.
  2. Test the Interaction

    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode in Unity and move the player toward a trash bag.
    • Check the Console to verify the correct debug message appears after the trash bag is collected.
    • Note that while the AddToCounter event is properly called, no actual interaction with the trash bin is needed for this test.

The final AddToCounter event on the Trash Bin should look like the following image:

AddToCounter Event on  Trash Bin

Variable Naming Scheme

Good programming practices involve using a consistent naming convention to quickly identify the type of variables. While it's not as crucial in visual scripting, maintaining this practice helps as you transition to full code. One common naming convention is to use camelCase for private variables (those only accessible by the script or graph) and PascalCase for public (scene) variables.

Step 4: Set Up OnTriggerEnter for Player Interaction​

While the AddToCounter event tracks trash collection, it doesn't allow the player to check if all required trash has been collected. To address this, an OnTriggerEnter event will be used when the player interacts with a trash bin. This interaction provides visual feedback and confirms whether all trash has been collected.

  1. Update the Trash Bin Prefab

    • Open the Trash Bin Prefab in Context.
    • In the Inspector, locate the Script Machine component.
    • Click Edit Graph to open the Visual Scripting Editor.
  2. Add an OnTriggerEnter Node

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for OnTriggerEnter.
    • This node will trigger when another object enters the trash bin's Box Collider.
  3. Check If the Player Entered the Trigger

    • Add a Collider → Get Game Object node and connect it to OnTriggerEnter.
    • Add a Game Object → Compare Tag node and set the tag to Player.
    • Connect the Get Game Object node to the Compare Tag node.
    • Add an If (Branching Node) and connect the Compare Tag output.

Step 5: Check if Player HasCollectedAllTrash​

We only want the OnTriggerEnter event to proceed if the player has not already collected all the trash. If all trash is collected, there’s no need to recheck the condition.

To track this, we will create a scene variable named HasCollectedAllTrash. Unlike a graph variable, which is tied to a specific object’s script graph, a scene variable is shared across all objects in the scene. This ensures that all trash bins reference the same global value, preventing inconsistencies and allowing any bin to check if all required trash has been collected.

  1. Create a Scene Variable
    • In the Blackboard (variable management sidebar), create a new scene variable named HasCollectedAllTrash.
    • Set its type to Boolean (bool) and ensure its default value is false (unchecked).

Trash Bin HasCollectedAllTrash scene variable

  1. Check the Variable’s Value
    • Add a Get Graph Variable node for HasCollectedAllTrash.
    • Add an If (Branching Node).
    • Set the Get Graph Variable node as the condition to check.
    • Connect the true flow from the previous If node (which checks the Player tag) to this new If node.

Step 6: Compare trashCollected with requiredTrashAmount​

In order to properly check if we collected all the trash, we need to know the required amount of trash there is to be collected. There are many different ways we could handle this, but for simplicity we are simply going to create a graph variable that stores this value, one that we will need to set up here in the script graph.

  1. Create Graph Variable
    • In the Blackboard (the sidebar for managing variables), create a new graph variable named requiredTrashAmount. This will be an int variable.
    • Set the value of requiredTrashAmount to whatever the amount is.
    • Tip: For testing, set it to a small number like 1 or 2 to avoid unnecessary collection.

Trash Bin requiredTrashAmount variable

  1. Comparing Variables
    • Add two Get Graph Variable nodes:
      • One for trashCollected.
      • One for requiredTrashAmount.
    • Add a Greater or Equal node.
      • Connect trashCollected to A
      • ConnectrequiredTrashAmount to B
    • Add an If (Branching Node) and use the Greater or Equal node as the condition.
    • Connect the false flow from the HasCollectedAllTrash check to this new If node.
Avoid Redundancy

Remember here we only want to check if the trash collected is greater or equal to the required trash amount only if HasCollectedAllTrash is FALSE. If it is true, that means we have collected all the trash and no need to check again.

Step 7: Mission Completed​

When all trash is collected, we need to notify the game that the mission is complete. This information isn’t just for the trash bins, it may also be needed by other objects in the game, such as UI elements or mission trackers. To handle this, we will send a global event, ensuring that any relevant game system can respond appropriately.

  1. Set the HasCompletedAll Trash to True

    • Add a Set Graph Variable for HasCollectedAllTrash node
    • Add a Bool(literal) node and set it to true (checked)
    • Set the flow of the previous if node, that tested for the Greater or Equal true value to the Set Graph Variable for HasCollectedAllTrash node
  2. Mission Completed Event

    • Create a new Custom Event node and name it MissionCompleted
    • Set the target object to the GlobalEvent

The final OnTriggerEnter logic for the Trash Bin should look like this:

Trash Bin OnTriggerEnter

Testing Trash Bins

To test the OnTriggerEnter behaviors of the trash bins, add a Debug Log after the initial Get Graph Variable check for HasCollectedAllTrash. Connect the false and true flows from the if node both into the Debug Log to output its value. Set requiredTrashAmount to a small number like 2, then play the game. Collect one trash bag and interact with a trash bin, the log should show false. After collecting the second bag and returning to the bin, it should now output true.

Managing Missions​

As mentioned earlier, each game object should be responsible for managing its own data. However, in some cases, we need to track broader aspects of the game. For example, we need a way to manage the progression of different missions (or quests, objectives—whatever you choose to call them). The completion of these missions determines how the player advances through the level or scene.

To handle this, we will use a game manager—specifically, a Level Manager. In our lesson on visualizing loops, we developed a Level Manager flowchart that outlines its key behaviors. This includes storing information about each level and monitoring when a mission is completed to trigger progression.

🛠 Creating a Level Manager​

Tutorial: Creating a Level Manager

đź“ťVisual scripting | đź•’30 minutes | đź“‚Required File: Park Clean-Up Game

In this tutorial we will set up the visual scripts for the level manager.

Step 1: Setting Up the Level Manager​

Unity operates on an object-based system, meaning every action or behavior in the game must be associated with a GameObject. While our Level Manager does not need to be a visible object in the game world, it still needs to exist as a GameObject. To achieve this, we will create an empty GameObject to serve as the Level Manager.

  1. Create the Level Manager Object

    • In the Hierarchy, create a new Empty GameObject.
    • Rename it to Level Manager.
    • Drag Level Manager into the Project Window to turn it into a Prefab.
    • In the Hierarchy, select Level Manager.
    • Right-click the object and choose Prefab > Open Asset in Context to edit the prefab directly.
  2. Add a Script Machine

    • Click Add Component and search for Script Machine.
    • In the Script Machine component, click New to create a new Script Graph.
    • Name the graph Level Manager and save it in your Scripts folder.
  3. Remove Update Node

    • In the script graph, delete the default OnUpdate nodes, as it will not be needed for this interaction.
    • Keep the OnStart node, we will use this later.

Step 2: Defining the Number of Missions​

The Level Manager needs to track the number of missions in the scene or level. To do this, we will create an integer variable called NumberOfMissions. Since the number of missions may vary between levels or scenes, each instance of the Level Manager should maintain its own count.

Using a graph variable wouldn't work, as each scene may have a different number of missions. A scene variable is also unnecessary because the value doesn’t need to be accessed globally. Instead, we will use an object variable, which stores data specific to the instance of the Level Manager within the scene.

  1. Create an Object Variable
    • Open the Blackboard (variable management sidebar).
    • Create a new object variable named NumberOfMissions.
    • Set its type to int and assign it a default value greater than zero.

Level Manager NumberOfMissions

Default Values

The exact number of missions will vary depending on the scene or level. However, we can set a default value as a starting point and for testing purposes. This value can be adjusted for each scene by selecting the Level Manager in the Inspector and updating the object variable accordingly.

Level Manager NumberOfMissions in Inspector

Step 3: Creating a Mission List​

Next, we will use the value of NumberOfMissions to create a MissionList, which will track whether each mission is complete (true or false). This will be implemented as a List of Booleans, where each item in the list corresponds to a mission and is referenced by its index number (e.g., MissionList[0], MissionList[1]). The associated value will indicate whether the mission is completed (true) or not (false).

Since multiple game objects may need to check mission progress—for example, a gate may need to verify mission completion before opening—the MissionList must be accessible beyond the Level Manager. For this reason, it will be created as a scene variable.

  1. Create a Scene Variable
    • Open the Blackboard (variable management sidebar).
    • Create a new scene variable named MissionList.
    • Set its type to List of Booleans.

Level Manager MissionList

Scene Variables

In the Scene Variables tab of the Script Graph Blackboard, you may also see the HasCollectedAllTrash variable created for the Trash Bin. Remember that scene variables are global and can be accessed from any graph. As a result, all scene variables will always appear in the Blackboard of any Script Graph in the scene.

Step 4: Populating the Mission List​

Currently, we have a MissionList, but it doesn't contain any items. We need to populate it by adding one item for each NumberOfMissions. Since this initialization only needs to happen once, we’ll add it to the existing OnStart node.

  1. Creating a For Loop

    • Right-click in the graph window and add a For Loop node.
    • Connect the flow from the OnStart node to the For Loop node.
    • Add a Get Object Variable node for NumberOfMissions and set this as the value for Last in the For Loop node.
  2. Adding List Items

    • Create an Add List Item node.
    • Connect the body output of the For Loop to the Add List Item node.
      • Add a Get Scene Variable node for MissionList, and set it as the list input for Add List Item.
      • Add a Bool (literal) node set to false (unchecked) and connect it to the value input of Add List Item.

Step 5: Debugging the List​

To ensure that the list populates correctly, we can log a message to the Console, displaying each list item’s index and value. To format the message in a readable way, we will use String Concat nodes. The output should follow this format below, where i is the index number of the list item.

Value of MissionList i false

  1. Add String Nodes

    • Add a String (literal) node and set its value to "Value of MissionList " (include a space at the end).
    • Add a String Concat node with two args:
      • Connect the index output from the For Loop to arg 0 of String Concat.
      • Add another String (literal) node containing a single space and connect it to arg 1.
    • Create a second String Concat node with three args:
      • Set arg 0 to the "Value of MissionList " string.
      • Set arg 1 to the first String Concat output.
  2. Get List Value

    • Add a Get List Item node to retrieve each mission’s value:
      • Connect the list input of Get List Item to the MissionList scene variable.
      • Connect the index from the For Loop to the index input of Get List Item.
    • Set the arg 2 input of the second String Concat node to the output of Get List Item.
  3. Debug Log Message

    • Add a Debug Log node.
    • Connect the output of the second String Concat to the Debug Log node’s message input.
  4. Testing the List

    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode.
    • Check the Console to confirm that a debug log message appears for each mission.

After implementing these steps, the OnStart logic for the Level Manager should resemble the following:

Level Manager OnStart

Step 6: Handling Mission Completion​

Whenever a mission is completed, the related objects will trigger the MissionCompleted event, similar to how we set up the Trash Bin earlier. The LevelManager will listen for this event and update the corresponding mission value in the MissionList.

  1. Add a Custom Trigger Event Node
    • Open the Graph Editor, right-click, and search for Custom Event.
    • Name the event MissionCompleted. This should match the Custom Trigger Event set in the Trash Bin script graph.
    • Set the Target Object to the GlobalEvent prefab. This ensures the event is broadcasted properly across all game objects.

Step 7: Updating the MissionList​

To track which mission has been completed, we need a way to reference the appropriate index in the MissionList. For simplicity, we assume that missions are completed in sequential order. To manage this, we'll use an integer variable called completedMissionCounter, which will be stored as a graph variable in the LevelManager.

  1. Create a Graph Variable

    • Open the Blackboard (variable management sidebar).
    • Create a new graph variable named completedMissionCounter.
    • Set its type to int and initialize it with a value of 0.
  2. Update the Mission Item

    • Add a Set List Item node:
      • Set the list input to a Get Scene Variable node for MissionList.
      • Set the index input to a Get Graph Variable node for completedMissionCounter.
      • Set the item value to a Bool (literal) node set to true (checked).

Step 8: Debugging Updated Missions​

Now, we'll add a Debug Log message to confirm that mission completion is being updated correctly. This will be similar to how we debugged MissionList creation in Step 5.

  1. Create a Debug Message

    • Add a String Concat node with two args:
      • Arg 0: A Get Graph Variable node for completedMissionCounter.
      • Arg 1: A String (literal) node with the text " completed " (include spaces before and after).
    • Connect the flow output from the Set List Item node to the String Concat node.
  2. Format the Debug Message

    • Add another String (literal) node with the value "Mission " (including a trailing space).
    • Create a second String Concat node with three args:
      • Arg 0: The "Mission " string node.
      • Arg 1: The output from the first String Concat node.
      • Arg 2: The value of the completed mission from the list (retrieved in the next step).
  3. Retrieve the Mission's Value

    • Add a Get List Item node to fetch the mission's current status:
      • Set the list input to a Get Scene Variable for MissionList.
      • Set the index input to a Get Graph Variable for completedMissionCounter.
    • Connect the output of Get List Item to Arg 2 of the second String Concat node.
  4. Output to the Console

    • Add a Debug Log node.
    • Connect the output of the second String Concat node to the message input of Debug Log.
  5. Test the Mission Completion

    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode.
    • Complete a mission by collecting the required trash bags and delivering them to the trash bin.
    • Check the Console for a debug log message confirming mission completion (e.g., "Mission 0 completed true").

Step 9: Incrementing the Counter​

After completing a mission, we need to increment completedMissionCounter so that the next mission can be tracked correctly.

  1. Update the Counter
    • From the Debug Log node, connect the flow output into a Set Graph Variable node for completedMissionCounter.
    • Right-click in the Graph Editor and add an Add (int) node:
      • Set A to a Get Graph Variable node for completedMissionCounter.
      • Set B to an Integer (literal) node with a value of 1.
    • Connect the output of Add (int) to the value input of Set Graph Variable.

Now, each time MissionCompleted is triggered, the system will update the correct mission in MissionList and move on to the next one. The final MissionCompleted event in the script graph should appear as the following:

Level Manager MissionCompleted()

Unlocking Gates​

Now that our Park Clean-Up Game has the trash collection mission built and the LevelManager keeping track of completed missions, the last step is to set up the level (area) gates to unlock once a mission is completed.

Previously, we created an Animator controller to manage the gate's animation states. This controller consists of three states:

  • Idle State – The default state when the gate is neither opening nor closing.
  • ANIM_GateOpen – The animation clip of the gate opening.
  • ANIM_GateClose – The animation clip of the gate closing.

State transitions are controlled by two Animator parameters (think of these as variables) named isGateOpen and canGateOpen. When the player interacts with the gate (by entering its trigger zone), we will use a script graph to get and set these variables, triggering the correct animation.

For a more detailed breakdown of the gate’s interaction flow and the game logic challenges associated with transition triggers, refer to the Object Flowchart example in the Visualizing Loops lesson.

🛠 Gate Interactions​

Tutorial: Creating a Level Manager

đź“ťVisual scripting | đź•’30 minutes | đź“‚Required File: Park Clean-Up Game

In this tutorial we will set up the visual scripts for the gate

Step 1: Prepare the Gate Prefab​

To set up the Gate prefab for interaction, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Gate Prefab

    • In the Hierarchy, locate a Gate instance in the Park Scene.
    • Right-click the object and select Prefab > Open Asset in Context to edit the prefab directly.
  2. Add a Box Collider (Trigger)

    • With the trash bag prefab selected, go to the Inspector panel.
    • Click Add Component and search for Box Collider.
    • Enable Is Trigger to allow interaction without physical collision.
    • Set the size of the box collider to allow for easy interaction with the player and trash bag.
  3. Add an Audio Source

    • Click Add Component and search for Audio Source.
    • In the Audio Source component, uncheck Play on Awake so the sound only plays when triggered.
    • Set the Loop to unchecked as this clip will only play once.
    • Click the Audio Clip field and assign the SX_ScratchingMetal.wav sound file.
    • Exit Prefab mode and return to the scene.

The following is a screenshot of the trash bag prefab with the above setting applied

Gate Prefab

Step 2: Creating the Gate Script Graph​

Because not every gate will be an unlock able gate to the next level, we do not necessarily need the script graph on every gate prefab. In this case, we can simply create new script graph in our project window and them add them to the gate instances that will need them.

  1. Create Script Graph

    • In the project window navigate to the Scripts folder
    • Right-click and choose Create> Visual SCripting > Script Graph
    • Name this script graph Gate
  2. Add a Script Machine

    • In the Hierarchy window find and select the Gate prefab to is the first gate to the next level (area).
    • In the Inspector window add click Add Component and search for Script Machine.
    • In the Script Machine component, drag and drop the Gate script graph from the project window into to the ScriptMachine
    • Click Edit Graph to open the visual scripting editor.

Step 2: Set Up OnTriggerEnter for Player Interaction​

  1. Remove Unnecessary Nodes

    • In the Script Graph, delete the default OnStart and OnUpdate nodes, as they are not needed for this interaction.
  2. Add an OnTriggerEnter Node

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for OnTriggerEnter.
    • This node will trigger when another object enters the trash bag's Box Collider.
  3. Check if the Player Entered the Trigger

    • Add a Collider → Get Game Object node and connect it to OnTriggerEnter.
    • Add a Game Object → Compare Tag node and set the tag to Player.
    • Connect the Get Game Object node to the Compare Tag node.
  4. Test OnTriggerEnter with Debug Logs

    • Add an If (Branching) node and connect the output of Compare Tag.
    • Create a Debug Log node and a String Literal node.
    • Set the String Literal to "Player Entered" and connect it to the True output of the If node.
    • Add a second Debug Log node and String Literal, setting its message to "Player did not enter".
    • Connect this to the False output of the If node.
  5. Test the Interaction

    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode in Unity and move the player toward a Gate.
    • Check the Console to verify the correct debug message appears when entering the trash bag's trigger.

Once the debug messages confirm the interaction is working, we can proceed with implementing the actual Gate logic.

Step 3: Ensuring the Gate is Closed​

When the player enters the gate's trigger, the gate should be closed. However, if the gate was previously opened, we need to reset the isGateOpen animator parameter to false to ensure the correct behavior. For more details, refer to the Object Flowchart example.

  1. Set the Animator Bool

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for Animator Set Bool.
    • Set the parameter name to isGateOpen
      • Ensure that it is spelt exactly as it appears in the Animator, or it will not work.
    • Set the value to false (unchecked).
  2. Connect the Flow

    • Connect the True output of the branching Debug Log message ("Player Entered") to the Animator Set Bool node.

Whether a player can open a gate depends on whether the mission associated with that gate has been completed. To associate each gate with its corresponding mission, we will assign a unique number to each gate using an object variable named GateNumber. This number will correspond to the index of the mission in the MissionList, which we set up with the LevelManager. Since list indexes start at zero, the first gate should have an index of 0.

  1. Create an Object Variable

    • Select the correct Gate object in the scene and open its script graph.
    • Open the Blackboard (variable management sidebar).
    • Create a new object variable named GateNumber.
    • Set its type to int and assign it a default value of 0.
  2. Retrieve the Mission Status

  • Add a Get Scene Variable node and select MissionList.
  • Add a Get Object Variable node and select GateNumber.
  • Add a Get List Item node to retrieve the mission's value:
    • Connect the list input of Get List Item to the MissionList scene variable.
    • Connect the index input to the GateNumber object variable.
  1. Set the Animator Bool
  • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for Animator Set Bool.
  • Set the parameter name to canGateOpen.
    • Ensure it is spelled exactly as it appears in the Animator; otherwise, it will not work.
  • Set the value to the output of the Get List Item node.
    • This ensures the gate’s canGateOpen parameter matches the completion status of the associated mission in the MissionList.
  1. Connect the Flow
  • Connect the Animator Set Bool node for isGateOpen to the Animator Set Bool node for canGateOpen, ensuring the logic executes in order.
  1. Test the canGateOpen
    • Save the graph and close the Script Graph window.
    • Enter Play Mode.
    • Complete a mission by collecting the required trash bags and delivering them to the trash bin.
    • Navigate towards the gate to the next area. If everything is set up correctly the gate should open.

At this point, once the value of canGateOpen is set, the animator controller on the gate object will automatically perform its check. If canGateOpen is true, it will trigger the gate's opening animation. However, we might want additional actions to occur, so we need to explicitly check the value of canGateOpen ourselves.

Step 4: Checking if the Player Can Open the Gate​

  1. Get the Animator Bool

    • In the Graph Editor, right-click and search for Animator Get Bool.
      • Set the parameter name to canGateOpen.
    • Connect the flow of the Animator Set Bool node for canGateOpen to the Animator Get Bool node.
  2. Branching (If)

    • Add an If (Branching) node and connect the output from the Animator Get Bool node.

Step 5: Trigger a Custom Event​

For this game we want a sound clip on the gate to play alongside the animation. While we could trigger the sound inside the OnTriggerEnter event, the OnTriggerExit will require the same sound effect. To avoid redundancy, we'll create a custom event to handle the sound, which both trigger events can call.

  1. If canGateOpen is True
    • From the If branching node’s True output, add a Custom Event Trigger.
    • Set the name of the event to PlaySound.
    • Set the target to this.

Since the event is in the same script graph, we can use this (referring to the current game object) as the target, instead of using GlobalEvent like we did previously. The final OnTriggerEvent script for the gate should appear as follows:

Gate OnTriggerEvent

Step 6: Play Delayed​

To play the sound clip, we can use the Audio Source Play node, just like we did with the trash bags earlier. However, the sound of the scratching metal for the gate plays a bit faster than the animation. To ensure that the clip aligns properly with the animation, we will use the Play Delayed node.

  1. Create a Custom Event

    • In the project window double-click the Gate script graph to open it in the script editor.
    • Create a new Custom Event and name it PlaySound.
  2. Play Delayed

    • Create a Audio Source Play Delayed node.
      • Set the target to this.
      • Set the Delay value to 0.5 for a half-second delay.
    • Connect the flow from the Custom Event to the Play Delayed node.

The image below shows the final PlaySound event in the Gate script graph. Gate PlaySound()

Step 7: OnTriggerExit​

Now that our gate can transition to the open animation, we need it to transition back to the closed state when we exit the gate trigger. Since the behavior for this is almost identical to the OnTriggerEnter event, we’ll start by copying it.

  1. Copy the OnTriggerEnter Event

    • Select all the nodes that make up the OnTriggerEnter event.
    • Right-click and select Copy.
    • Move to a blank area of the script graph window and right-click to Paste.
    • Delete the OnTriggerEnter node from the copied event.
    • Add a OnTriggerExit node and set it as the starting node for the copied nodes.
  2. Update Debug Messages

    • Update the String nodes for the Debug Log messages:
      • Change them from Entered to Exited.

While it might seem logical to check isGateOpen, we have never set this variable to true because the instant we do, the gate will close. Instead, we first need to check if the player’s canOpenGate is true.

  1. Get Animator Bool

    • Delete the Animator Set Bool for isGateOpen.
    • Add a new Animator Get Bool for canGateOpen.
    • Connect the flow from the Debug Log true message into the Animator Get Bool for canGateOpen.
  2. Set Animator Bool

    • Delete the following nodes that were copied from OnTriggerEnter:
      • Get Scene Variable for MissionList
      • Get Object Variable for GateNumber
      • Get List Item
      • Animator Get Bool for canOpenGate
    • Detach the if branching node and connect the Animator Get Bool for canGateOpen to it.
    • Reassign the remaining Animator Set Bool to isGateOpen.
      • Set its value to true.
    • Flow the if true branch into the Animator Set Bool for isGateOpen.
    • Finally, flow the Animator Set Bool for isGateOpen into the Custom Trigger Event.

Essentially, we are checking if canOpenGate is true. If so, we set isGateOpen to true, which will trigger the gate's close animation. The final event should look like the following:

Gate OnTrigger Exit

📝 Next Mission​


Now that you have the first section of the Park Clean-Up Game working you will extend it by creating two new mission objectives in the next two sections of the game. These objectives will involve interacting with the environment and require visual scripting to handle their logic. For each new mission, you will need to:

  • Design the mission mechanics.
  • Create scripts to track mission completion.
  • Trigger the mission completion event when the task is finished.

The mission can be based on various activities such as picking up recyclables, returning lost items, or fixing objects in the park. Your goal is to use visual scripting to implement the mission functionality while keeping the object behaviors decoupled and passing only necessary information between components.


  1. Mission Design and Objectives

    • Mission Design: Plan out two missions for the next two sections of the park. Think about all the objects the player will need to interact with in order to complete the mission.

    • Sketch a Flowchart: Once the missions are decided, sketch out a quick flowchart outlining the baseline interactions for all objects involved. Consider how the player will interact with each object and how these interactions will lead to mission completion.

  2. Visual Scripting Logic

    • For both missions, create separate visual scripts to:

      • Track any criteria of the mission (e.g. items collected)
      • Check if the objective is completed.
      • Trigger the MissionCompleted event once the mission objective is finished.
    • Reuse the pattern established in previous missions, such as the HasCollectedAllTrash variable for checking task completion.

      • The mission’s script should check whether the conditions for mission completion are met (e.g., all recyclables collected or lost items returned).
  3. Mission Completion Trigger

    • Once the objective is completed, the script should call the MissionCompleted event to notify the Level Manager that the mission has been finished.
    • The next gate should automatically detect the mission's completion and unlock to proceed to the next objective.
  4. Prefab and Graph Variable Organization

    • Prefab Behavior: If the behavior needs to be applied to all instances of an object (e.g., recyclables, lost items), place the script graph on the prefab.
    • Graph Variables: If the variables are only relevant for an individual object (e.g., specific collectible items or bins), set them as graph variables within the script.
    • Object Variables: If the variables are unique to specific instances (e.g., different gates or bins), they should be object variables.
    • Scene Variables: If the variables are needed globally across the scene (e.g., tracking mission progress), they should be scene variables.
  5. Testing

    • Implement Debug Log messages as needed to test your scripts
    • Test both missions to ensure that:
      • The player can interact with the environment and complete the objectives (collect recyclables, return lost items).
      • The completion of the objective triggers the MissionCompleted event and unlocks the next mission.
      • Ensure that no unnecessary changes are made to the Level Manager or Gate scripts, as these are designed to be dynamic and should not need revision.

Submission Instructions:​

  1. Ensure that all changes are committed and pushed to your repository.
  2. Submit the URL link to your repository.

This assignment builds upon your previous work with visual scripting, focusing on expanding the game's mission logic and ensuring smooth progression between levels. It will help you gain experience in creating decoupled systems that communicate through events and variables, while also maintaining an organized and modular structure.