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Asset Naming Convention

Written by: Akram Taghavi-Burris | © Copyright 2024

Status: In Development

Animation Assets

AnimationAnimationANM_ANM_SpinnerAnimation Clips or sequences are animations attached to a model or prefab
AnimationAnimation ControllerANM__CNTRLANM_Spinner_CNTRLAnimation controllers allow for the management and arrangement of various Animation Clips and the Transitions between them using a State Machine.

Audio Assets

AudioMusic MX_MX_IslandTheme
AudioMusic - Background/AmbienceMX__BKGMX_JollyRythm_BKGBackground music, designed to loop
AudioMusic - CinematicMX__CINMX_CityIntro_CIN
AudioSound EffectSX_SX_ScratchingMetal
AudioSound Effect - AmbienceSX__AMBSX_ScratchingMetal
AudioSound Effect - EnvironmentalSX__ENVSX_BabblingCreek_ENV
AudioSound Effect - InteractableSX__INTSX_ClickMe_Int
AudioDialog VoiceDV_See NotesDV_DarkKnight_attack_01 or DV_DarkKnight_00001Suffix should denote the sound or sequence that the dialog is played

Light Assets

In addition to the prefix and suffix rules below an additional suffix of an index number is commonly added to distinguish between multiple lights in a scene.

LightArea LightLight__ALight_Overhead_A_02Area light emits light from a rectangular or circular area, used for even and diffuse illumination like overhead lights.
LightDirectional LightLight__DLight_MainHall_D_01Directional light simulates sunlight or other distant light sources with parallel light rays for general illumination.
LightIES LightLight__ILight_Corridor_I_01IES light uses real-world photometric data for accurate light distribution. Commonly supported in Unreal Engine.
LightLight MapLightMap_N/ALightMap_Scene_BakedLight maps store baked lighting information to enhance scene realism and improve performance for static objects.
LightLight ProbeLightProbe_N/ALightProbe_ScenePoint_01Light probes capture and store lighting data to simulate realistic lighting for dynamic objects.
LightPoint LightLight__PLight_Lamp_P_01Point light emits light in all directions from a single point, simulating sources like lamps.
LightRectangular LightLight__RLight_Window_R_01Rectangular light emits light from a rectangular shape, simulating sources such as windows or large fixtures. Commonly supported in Unreal Engine.
LightSpot LightLight__SLight_RedGlow_S_01Spot light emits light in a cone-shaped beam, ideal for highlighting specific areas like red glow effects.

Materials and Textures

MaterialMaterial DecalM__DecalM_WarningSign_DecalDecals are materials that decorate the surface of other materials, used for effects like splatters, signs, and stickers.
MaterialUI MaterialM__UIM_ButtonBackground_UIMaterials specific to UI elements.
MaterialProcedural MaterialM__ProcM_ProceduralBrick_ProcProcedural materials generated by code.
TextureTextureT_N/AT_RubbyJewelThe base map texture image.
TextureTexture - Ambient OcclusionT__AOT_RubbyJewel_AOAn ambient occlusion texture simulates subtle shading and depth cues based on light reach.
TextureTexture - Emission MapT__ET_RubbyJewel_EAn emission map texture defines which parts of an object emit light or glow, creating emissive effects.
TextureTexture - Height MapT__HT_RubbyJewel_HA height map texture creates detailed terrain or landscape features by defining elevation.
TextureTexture - Metallic MapT__MT_RubbyJewel_MA metallic map texture controls reflectivity, simulating various materials with different levels of metal-like properties.
TextureTexture - Normal MapT__NT_RubbyJewel_NA normal map texture adds surface detail or "bumpiness" to a 3D model, creating the illusion of raised or depressed areas.
TextureTexture CubeTC_N/ATC_ParkDaylightA cubemap is a collection of six square textures representing environment reflections, often used for skyboxes.

Models and Prefabs

ModelsStatic MeshSM_N/ASM_ParkBench
ModelsSkeletal MeshSK_N/ASK_VikingDwarfAny model with a rig, typically characters.
Prefab---ParkBenchPrefabs are named descriptively and displayed in blue, making them easily identifiable.
PrefabsPrefab VariantV_N/AV_ParkBenchVariant of an existing prefab for different states.


SceneLevel SceneLevel__01, _02, etc.Level_City_01Use for gameplay levels, e.g., a city level in an open-world game.
SceneUI SceneUI__MainMenu, _Options, etc.UI_MainMenuUse for menus and user interfaces, such as the main menu or options screen.
SceneCutscene SceneCutscene__Level3_End, _Intro, etc.Cutscene_Level3_EndUse for narrative moments that interrupt gameplay, like cutscenes at the end of a level.
SceneLoading SceneLoading__Level2, _GameStart, etc.Loading_Level2Use for load screens that appear between levels or during game loading.
SceneStart SceneStart__SplashScreen, _TitleCard, etc.Start_SplashScreenUse for intro/start scenes that display before the main game begins, such as a splash screen.
SceneEnd SceneEnd__Credits, _GameOver, etc.End_CreditsUse for end screens that play after completing a level or finishing the game, like credits rolls.
SceneTest SceneTest_N/ATest_Physics, Test_ClimbUse for testing scenes and prototypes, e.g., to test physics simulations or other gameplay mechanics.


ShaderSurface ShaderSHD_N/ASHD_ReflectiveStandard or custom shaders used for surface materials.
ShaderPost ProcessingSHD__PPSHD_Blur_PPShaders used in post-processing effects.

Special Effects

Particle SystemGeneral EffectPS_N/APS_Fireball, PS_Smoke, PS_ExplosionA particle system is a framework for generating and controlling multiple small graphical elements (particles) to create complex visual effects like fire, smoke, or explosions.
VolumePost-ProcessingVol__PPVol_Cityscape_PP, Vol_Underwater_PPDefines areas with specific post-processing effects, such as color grading or bloom.
VolumeTrigger ZoneVol__TriggerVol_PlayerEnter_Trigger, Vol_EnemySpawn_TriggerDefines areas that trigger events or logic when a player or object enters them.