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Git Commits

Written by: Akram Taghavi-Burris | © Copyright 2025

Status: In Development

A well-structured commit message makes it easier to track changes, collaborate efficiently, and maintain a clean project history. A good commit message follows a consistent format, making it immediately clear what was changed and why. By following a structured naming scheme, developers can quickly understand the purpose of each commit without needing to dive into the code itself.

Commit Message Breakdown

Each commit message should follow this format:

<type>: <short description>
<body> (optional)
  • Title (Type + Description): A concise summary of the change.
  • Body (Optional): A more detailed explanation if necessary.


fix: resolve login form validation error  
Corrected the email validation logic that incorrectly rejected valid email formats. Updated test cases to cover edge cases.

Example Naming Scheme

The following provides examples of git commit titles for different types of tasks. Note that the task type is usually abbreviated and followed by a colon with a short blurb. More detailed information should dbe provided in the commit description.


init: setup Unity project with basic structure  
init: initialize repo with README and .gitignore


feat: add health regeneration system  
feat: implement player skill tree
feat: introduce AI behavior for enemy patrols


fix: resolve null reference in player controller  
fix: correct enemy spawn timing in Level 3
fix: adjust jump physics to prevent unintended movement


docs: update README with setup instructions  
docs: add comments to AI scripts
docs: document interaction flow for puzzle levels


refactor: simplify inventory system logic  
refactor: improve AI decision-making efficiency
refactor: reorganize asset folders for clarity


test: add unit tests for inventory system  
test: validate AI behavior in combat scenarios
test: playtest difficulty scaling for boss fights


chore: update Unity to latest version  
chore: remove deprecated scripts
chore: clean up unused assets


perf: optimize pathfinding for large maps  
perf: reduce draw calls for better rendering efficiency
perf: compress textures to reduce file size


build: configure WebGL build settings  
build: automate build process with CI pipeline
build: verify level loading order in final build


revert: undo AI system changes due to performance issues  
revert: restore previous enemy pathfinding logic
revert: rollback incorrect texture update

Hotfix (Emergency Fixes)

hotfix: fix crash on level load  
hotfix: resolve broken player input on mobile
hotfix: patch exploit in matchmaking system
Sqaushing Commits

While following a commit naming scheme is a best practice, rapid debugging or experimentation can lead to cluttered commit messages like "IT FINALLY WORKS" or "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED." Though these may capture the moment, they don’t help maintain a clear version history. In these cases, squashing commits lets you merge multiple commits into one, ensuring a clean, professional history that follows the proper naming convention.